Musings of a Young Blood

Life is a pot of beans… I choose to have mine with fried plantain though. Life does not always go as planned and for someone as confused as I am, it rarely ever does. Like, I’ve been trying to type this for the past hour or so and I can’t just decide on how to end this… Well… Just keep on reading. nervous laugh

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Busola is Nice.

I have a friend and as you can probably guess, his name is Busola. That’s not where the main idea lies. Busola is a normal guy and there’s pretty nothing special about him but then, he is nice.

This should not be such a big deal. Well, it is. Let me explain why.

I’m from Nigeria and growing up in that hot West African country is not easy. With the dilapidated state of our infrastructure and the constant intrusion of our private affairs by our neighbors, it is really hard for you to grow up to become a nice person. I found it puzzling that the countenance of people you meet are seldom warm or welcoming even in situations where it is required.

For instance, I always found it hard as a child to ask questions when not around people I knew. This was usually because you are met by a look that shows a mixture of displeasure and anger before the person even decides to reply to your query and...

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Let’s do this!

This is so funny. I can bet you I had ideas to write about two minutes ago.

Now, I’m blank.

I’m nervous.

Three years ago, this won’t be a problem. I was never afraid of putting myself out there for the world. I was hell bent on getting all my opinions out that I never stopped to think if all my opinions were really worth being put out there. Ignorance really is bliss! Unfortunately, I didn’t stay ignorant for long (probably should be fortunately).

Currently, I’m in my second year in university studying a course whose name, when said, almost always results in ‘huh?’. I’ve thought of ways I can avoid saying it and usually just stick with Engineering. That doesn’t cut it for most people and they go, ‘which one?’. It’s ‘Mechatronics Engineering’ by the way. It probably doesn’t sound as complex but trust me, it is.

That’s just one of the MANY new things going on in my life. I’m also...

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I recently read the divergent trilogy and it’s awesome!! It’s one of those books that you can’t drop! Kudos to the author, Veronica Roth and I hope you continue in this beautiful vein. This book really made an empathic link with me. When I look at Beatrice, the main character in the book and the fact that her being divergent made her to have to make a choice that for others, was already made, I feel like her. Currently, I just finished Grade 10 and it is really dawning on me that I have to make a decision on what I would study in University. Most of my friends are set on what they want to be and they excel in those areas. Unlike them, I excel in all areas and it is really hard for me to locate my strength just like Tris (short for Beatrice) who was faced with having to pick between Erudite, Dauntless and Abnegation. It’s been one of my major concerns and like Tris; I...

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So… This is it! Finally, I start my blog. I’ve been thinking about what to share with the world and the first thing that came to mind was… my journal but… that’s too personal and so… I will rather, share my ideas about life - football, school, music, religion, girls, etc. It’s a long shot but I think that one day, I will impact the world with my words and as my teacher says, “words are always stronger than the sword.” And… that’s it! My idea… and my stepping stone towards reaching the world.

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