Let’s do this!

This is so funny. I can bet you I had ideas to write about two minutes ago.

Now, I’m blank.

I’m nervous.

Three years ago, this won’t be a problem. I was never afraid of putting myself out there for the world. I was hell bent on getting all my opinions out that I never stopped to think if all my opinions were really worth being put out there. Ignorance really is bliss! Unfortunately, I didn’t stay ignorant for long (probably should be fortunately).

Currently, I’m in my second year in university studying a course whose name, when said, almost always results in ‘huh?’. I’ve thought of ways I can avoid saying it and usually just stick with Engineering. That doesn’t cut it for most people and they go, ‘which one?’. It’s ‘Mechatronics Engineering’ by the way. It probably doesn’t sound as complex but trust me, it is.

That’s just one of the MANY new things going on in my life. I’m also currently living and studying in Hungary. I’m wayyy taller (still below 6ft though) and all the other features that come with growing old. Yes, I’m growing beards as well! I’m still single though (ha ha).

Well, that’s just the surface. I feel the main change has to do with my character and personality. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not completely different but if you knew me before, you’ll definitely notice a change. I’ll get to the details later on as that is basically what my blog is about - my life. In essence, this post is to usher in the new me. The reborn Kennedy. The … Okay, that’s enough.

I was always taught in school that there is no wrong question but even then, some questions I asked got me stares that could kill. Life has taught me the same. There is no wrong question but as the Bible says, ‘there is time for everything.’ Well, I’ve had a lot of questions and over time, I have gotten answers. I’m still far from settled. I know the truth is basically what we make it and those answers might just account for one person’s opinion.

I’m here to keep asking questions and hopefully, one day, I’ll be satisfied (Never!).

This is my blog. It’s going to be a great blog. Let’s do this!


Now read this

Is the beauty of life found in the mundane?

On this lovely midsommer afternoon (actually a morning in October in Budapest far from Sweden), I am faced with this poignant question. I have been seeking purpose for a while now. Seeking an all-consuming goal. Looking for that one... Continue →