What do you want?

Hey there!

It’s me again, still my ever rambling self.

I haven’t written in quite a while but I’ve had these thoughts that can’t seem to leave my head so, #whynot?

As you might be able to tell, I’m a very indecisive person. I constantly overthink my decisions well after the deed has been done. It’s actually a miracle that I don’t have as many regrets as I have decisions.

As a result of my knack for overthinking, I end up hating having to make decisions about anything. I mean, I can’t even decide what body lotion to get when I go shopping, what to wear out or what to order when I’m hungry.
Like literally, the worst question for you to ask me when I’m hungry is, “What do you want to eat?” I start to think of all the things I’ve eaten, stuff I haven’t tried, stuff I’ve heard only on TV. It’s a whole process… sigh

I find making decisions such a chore and it’s worse when all the options are good. I meaannnnn. That’s the absolute worst! That’s probably how I’m stuck with three best friends nervous laugh (no one should come at me)

Recently, I’ve had to think (more like overthink) long and hard about my future. I mean, it’s always been at the back of my mind… but coming to the end of my undergraduate degree makes me realise that I have figure out what to do next. There’s really not one particularly good thing I want to do and that annoys me to my core. It’s like high school all over again…

Not to be misunderstood, it’s not like I don’t have anything I want to do. It’s just overwhelming having to consider everything. So, how do you make your decisions? Do you meticulously weigh the pros and cons, go for what you feel is right or just let inaction work for you?


Now read this

Let’s do this!

This is so funny. I can bet you I had ideas to write about two minutes ago. Now, I’m blank. I’m nervous. Three years ago, this won’t be a problem. I was never afraid of putting myself out there for the world. I was hell bent on getting... Continue →