Self Control is a beautiful Thing

This is one of the ideas that have been in the “works” for too long. Oh well, it’s one of the constant songs I’ve been singing so it’s not surprising to anyone that knows me.

So, let’s go back to 12 year old Kennedy sitting in Biology class. I had just transferred to a new school and had no idea what the teacher was on about. All I know is that I got stuck writing line after line of the phrase “Self control is a beautiful thing”. I’m sure you can imagine how much I hated the teacher after this but fast forward to my late teens and I finally understand why he made me do that.

At this point in my life, I am constantly faced with a barrage of choices. Let me give an example I’m sure most people can relate to. Do I go out tonight and miss my 8 am class the next day or just go to sleep and miss out on all the fun from the night before and make my class? classic university student

We have so many choices like this to make. As we all have our ‘demons’, you can imagine the above example with anything you fight with to get under control. It can be sleep (oh, beautiful sleep), alcohol, girls, food, guys, your Instagram or Twitter feed, etc. We are all faced with making decisions that make our future (our present too) and sometimes, we are distracted by the idea of living in the moment that we don’t take enough time to weigh the consequences.

Well, we have a way of constantly fuelling our desires and we give excuses to not do that which we know is better for us. I mean, I pushed at the idea of going to the gym for almost a year before I finally signed up for it (yes, Imma be ripped soon :-) ). So, I know how it feels to give excuses and convince yourself that you need more sleep or the party is really important or you just can’t go to church.

I feel one way for us to truly develop self-control is to focus on the goal ahead of us. What do you want to be in future? Will this choice help you be that person tomorrow? What do you want to stand for? What do you want to be known for? To truly control one’s desires is an attribute that I feel that shows maturity.

So, in the end, I hope you will be able to appreciate the beauty of Self-Control like I have. Ciao!


Now read this

What do you want?

Hey there! It’s me again, still my ever rambling self. I haven’t written in quite a while but I’ve had these thoughts that can’t seem to leave my head so, #whynot? As you might be able to tell, I’m a very indecisive person. I constantly... Continue →