I’m not perfect.

It’s 07.39 am and I haven’t slept for a while now. I have an exam in just over 2 hours and I’m pretty tired of reading. It’s not like I read the whole night though. I’m pretty sure I spent more time watching football videos on Instagram and catching glimpses of the Grammy’s from my friends’ Snapchat stories but let’s just say I tried my best. I can’t sleep now because we all know it’s almost impossible for me to wake up in time for my exam. I also cannot study anymore because I fear I would do more damage and end up confusing myself. Basically, all this has nothing to do with what I’m about to write… or maybe it does.

Lately, nothing much has been happening in my life. It’s the examination period aka mini-holiday of my university and therefore, there are no classes. I only leave my apartment to get food, play soccer and that’s usually about it. Yes, I’ve not gone to church for two weeks (shhh… don’t tell my mommy). The only thing that connects me to the world outside is social media. The endless hours I’ve spent on my ‘cellular device’ have led me to come to a conclusion that I’m not perfect.

I do not mean this in a sad, dreary kind of way. I’m more than content with my imperfection.

I’ve seen that the internet has exposed us to a lot of expectations. Usually, we see celebrities in their spotlights and we compare ourselves and our somewhat ‘insignificant’ lives and we are unsatisfied. That’s good in a way. We probably all want to achieve that level of fame, stardom and/or importance in the society and we get inspiration and motivation from these people.

My question is, ‘Are you so focused on perfectly replicating the life you see that you forget you create your own path and make your own mistakes?’ I believe we all have a purpose. The road to achieving your purpose might not be the same as the person you’re so keen on emulating.

P.S. As we are imperfect beings, we are bound to make mistakes. It would be a shame if we were all judged only by our mistakes but this is usually the case in this unforgiving world we live in. Mistakes are made for us to learn from and should be forgiven but not overlooked.

musingsofayoungblood #


Now read this

Let’s do this!

This is so funny. I can bet you I had ideas to write about two minutes ago. Now, I’m blank. I’m nervous. Three years ago, this won’t be a problem. I was never afraid of putting myself out there for the world. I was hell bent on getting... Continue →