Comfort and Intimacy

Do you ever feel like you want your head to be rubbed?

Like… not like you’re a dog but kinda like that at the same time.

Like… you just want your significant other to put your head on their chest and just rub it and tell you you’ll be fineee or that you’ve done amazingly well.

To even be a bit more extra, he/she might add in a lullaby there just to make it more soothing.

Sounds quite beautiful and relaxing yeah?

Well, yeah… it does.

But life’s a bitchhhhh! I mean, for single people and couples and just for everyone in between (don’t ask me what’s in between lol). Recently, I’ve been single single (if you don’t know what that means, eeyah for you lol) and as true as human nature can be, I want to be everything but comfortable as I am.

There are perks of being single. I know that. I recognise most of them and I’m sure I enjoy tons of them without even realising. I know a lot of people believe that the benefits of being in a relationship (whatever kind it is) far outweigh whatever perks being single has to offer and that is a discussion for another dayy but the point is, I don’t feel like I want to be single.

At this moment, my brain believes that anything but being as I am is a better situation and I’m faced having to constantly convince myself daily that I am content and happy (which I truly am) because we, humans tend to never be satisfied with our current states and are generally always looking for something more.

Well, you can sayy… Oh Kennedy, just say you want to be in a relationship and be going.

Well, that’s not really the case.

I just want my head to be rubbed, be sang to and for someone I deeply care about to be the one doing this. Sounds like I want a romantic partner yeah? But funny enough, sometimes the people closest to fitting such description are not even a candidate for a partner (e.g. our parents or best friend) or our partners aren’t even the ones we feel comfortable enough with… and we’re stuck looking outside. Quite sad yeah?

Well, think about it.

The question is, do you have to be in a romantic relationship to have a deep level of comfort or intimacy and if not, should that be a prerequisite for every “close” relationship?

P.S. I’m thinking about starting a podcast to generally vent and have the conversations I would like to have about pressing issues with people that would like to participate. Sounds like a good idea?


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